Bamboo rod fishingBamboo rod fishing

Early in the morning before the sun came up dad liked fishing with a bamboo rod.

Finding a spot around the rocks where a bait ball will likely to come to or pass near by was considered ideal.

Standing back away from the edge is key so any fish that venture close by is not spooked by your presence, movements or shadow.

This fishing action is usually pretty quick and constant if you are able to keep you movements to a minimal and keep your shadow masked. There is no reel on the rod so it truly is hoisting the fish out of the water and placing it where it can’t flip and flip back into the water.

2 thoughts on “Bamboo rod fishing”

  1. What a very fascinating story even things to learn here in the story how about fishing And shadow masking , and the crabs how hilarious finding a new home! My own father doc commercial fishing off of Lake Huron in the day so this has been very interesting.

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